All wheel drive vehicles are a great and popular option for car owners. Many vehicles tend to feature all wheel drive when a car needs a bit more power to pull, push, or power through some extra weight or resistance. There are a lot of myths surrounding all wheel drive tire replacement, and to make sure you know all there is to know about your vehicle, we’re going to bust those myths and get things straight.
There are a lot of misconceptions about all wheel drive tire replacement. Here’s what you need to know.
If you wonder about replacing two tires now and two later, you might be thinking that the same number is going to match across models and manufacturers. Well, depending on the stock keeping unit, those wheels could be wider, narrower, or slightly different heights from maker to maker. For that reason, it is very important to replace tires with the same manufacturer and model.
If you’re always handling heavy loads, you might try the trick of putting low profile tires on large diameter wheels. That’s actually going to only give you the false feeling of extra grip. In fact, the tread compound is going to wear incorrectly, and your suspension may not be able to keep the tires on pavement through bumps and blips in the road. What many thing is a trick to help you and your load is actually a safety hazard.
The myth behind max press numbers of a tire and burst pressure are incorrect. The maximum amount of weight a tire can carry is indicated in the max load number, and even when over the max press amount, it will not be a sure thing that the tire bursts. Don’t hesitate to double the max press of a new set of tires if you go over, but be careful: it can be easy to hit a pothole and pop a tire at super-high pressure.
It may seem smart to save money and buy tires two at a time, only replacing the ones in worst shape. In fact, that leads to many issues with tread consistency and alignment. In an all wheel drive vehicle, every tire should receive the same amount of pressure and power, and different treads on various tires can cause that to be disproportionately distributed.
Some think an AWD car is better at lower treads thanks to more teamwork when it comes to driving. That’s not true at all. Curious about your tread? Reach out to Newmans Auto for a new set of tires, or an inspection to see what might need some work on your all wheel drive vehicle.
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