It is no secret that the cars of today are composed of highly complex systems. When one of them begins to systems fail, it can produce a ton of different sounds such as tapping, rattling, and even clicking. These can all be indicators of serious issues, and, as such, it would be beneficial to seek out the assistance of a certified mechanic as soon as time permits. Newman’s Automotive in Austin has the experience to quickly diagnose and fix any issue that your car may be experiencing.
Clicking can be caused by a number of things. For starters, the annoying noise could be coming from a belt. Then again, joints and supports might be to blame too. Even a CV axle shaft may be at fault. This particular piece is located at the front of the vehicle and is well known for producing a tapping sound after damage occurs. Typically, a person can hear the disturbing and annoying racket upon accelerating or taking sharp turns.
Vehicle owners that let CV axle shaft issues linger on and on could be in for a world of hurt. If the unit deteriorates and falls apart while they are driving, they may be unable to control the car. Then, a single or multi-car accident might become part of the equation, which no one wants. Why? Well, because participating parties can sustain injuries and even lose their lives in the event, that is why.
Electrical problems often make clicking noises as well. For instance, a car battery that is suffering from low voltage will generate rapid clicking sounds upon the driver making every effort to start the vehicle. It is not uncommon for the battery to stop being able to supply a consistent amount of voltage as it ages. When this occurs, the starter may turn itself on and off quickly, resulting in the abovementioned sounds. In this instance, the battery or alternator may need to be replaced.
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